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Website development
may be interesting thing for some, to me its not
until I get deep into it. But there are some things I would like to
share with you. This site is put on in an effort to have a web
presense. Anybody wishing to have secure communiction with me using some implementation of GnuPG can obtain my public key here or on keyservers www.keyserver.net or pgp.mit.edu for name Onkar Shinde and email adress ekebala@sancharnet.in This key was generated using Windows port of GnuPG. Get the perfect replacement for Outlook Express ![]() My IDs: Yahoo: onkarshinde@yahoo.co.in. My status Rediff: onkar1 Hotmail: onkarshinde@hotmail.com AIM: onkarshinde ICQ: 253924673 Many times in night you can find me on irc.freenode.net or irc.nullus.net with nickname onkarshinde I am currently member of eng2004 group on Yahoo Groups. This group is for all engineering students passing out in 2004 irrespective of branch and college. I encourage you to join this group. |