To all the Patriots out there------- Q. How do you stop a Pakistani tank? A. Shoot the men who are pushing it. Q. How do you disable Pakistani missiles? A. Cut the rubber band. Q. Have you ever seen Pakistani war heroes? A. Neither has Pakistan. Q. Did you hear about the other latest Pakistani invention? A. The new automatic parachutes. They open on impact. Q. How do you sink a Pakistani battleship? A. Put it in water. Q. Did you hear about the 747 jet, which crashed into a cemetery in Karachi? A. The Pakistani officials have so far recovered 3000 bodies. Q. Did you hear about the Pakistani admiral who had asked to be buried at sea? A. Five Pakistani sailors died digging his grave. Q. Did you hear why Karachi National Library shut down? A. Somebody stole a book. Q. You're locked in a room with Saddam Hussain, Adolph Hitler, and a Pakistani. You have a gun with three bullets. What do you do? A. Shoot the Pakistani thrice to make sure he's dead. Q. What's brown and black and looks great on a Pakistani? A. A Doberman. Q. How can you tell when a Pakistani is lying? A. His lips are moving. Q. What do you have when a Pakistani is buried up to his is neck in sand? A. Not enough sand. Q. Did you hear about the terrorist who hijacked a 747 full of Pakistanis? A. He threatened to release one every hour if his demands weren't met